Save money with a hybrid cloud solution

Businesses are turning to hybrid cloud solutions to transform their business operations and processes. The adoption of cloud solutions has helped organisations become more efficient and facilitate innovation by allowing them to consolidate data and applications, allowing for greater collaboration, and more flexible data sharing than previous solutions. 

Cloud computing has enabled businesses to adopt new technologies without having to worry about the cost of infrastructure upgrades or maintenance, as well as enabling them to adapt quickly in response to changing market conditions. And on top of that, a hybrid cloud solution can help your business save on IT costs.

What is a hybrid cloud?

The hybrid cloud has been around for a few years, but it is only recently that companies have started to take advantage of its benefits.

A hybrid cloud solution is a combination of on-premises and cloud technologies. It's a way to address the challenges of modern business through the use of both cloud and non-cloud technologies. 

The hybrid approach allows businesses to retain control over certain functions while leveraging the benefits of cloud technologies, such as business agility, agility in data management, like storage, and access to data from anywhere with an internet connection. 

A hybrid cloud solution combines cloud technologies, like infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and software as a service (SaaS), with traditional IT services, such as data centre hardware and management software.

The benefits of hybrid cloud

The advantages of a hybrid cloud solution are numerous. For starters, it allows businesses to leverage the benefits of both cloud and non-cloud technologies, rather than relying completely on a single option.

Hybrid cloud solutions do not require an overhaul of existing systems, which can save a significant amount of time and money. It also enables organisations to address business needs with a flexible, cost-effective combination of existing technologies — an advantage for companies with a variety of needs. Employees can work remotely, accessing data and applications wherever and whenever they need them with minimal effort. 

The hybrid nature of a solution makes it easy to integrate with other applications and devices, such as smartphones and tablets.

Hybrid cloud is a driver of savings

A hybrid cloud solution is a great way to save money and drive savings. By leveraging existing IT assets and cloud technologies, your company can significantly cut operational costs. 

A key finding of a recent cloud report by the NTT revealed that cost efficiency has been the biggest driver for hybrid cloud adoption. This is due to the fact that hybrid cloud allows businesses to scale their operations and resources without the need to update or change their applications. By unifying both on-premises and cloud technologies, hybrid cloud enables organisations to reduce the risk of disruption to their business, while at the same time, scaling and growing their operations.

Reducing hardware saves on IT costs

Cloud adoption is a way for businesses to reduce their hardware costs and increase the flexibility of their IT infrastructure. Hybrid cloud adoption allows businesses to use the best of both worlds, without having to give up on one or the other.

The initial cost of implementing a hybrid cloud solution is lower than the cost of implementing a fully-cloud solution. This is because hybrid solutions often use existing IT assets, such as physical servers and network equipment, to provide cloud services. 

The cost of IT infrastructures has been continuously increasing due to the growing demand for new technologies and digitalisation. With the help of hybrid cloud adoption, companies can save on IT costs by reducing their infrastructure needs. Hybrid cloud allows businesses to store data in multiple locations and access it from any device at any time.

With this approach, businesses can reduce their costs and increase productivity.

Increased productivity 

Companies can use hybrid cloud to increase their productivity and efficiency. Cloud software deployment is noticeably faster than conventional installation, meaning your employees will spend less time waiting for programs to load and hardware to be installed, and more time completing their tasks and projects.

It also means employees can access their data, apps, and servers from anywhere in the world with a high-speed network connection. When employees are empowered to work from any location, they have greater satisfaction with their job, meaning they work with greater efficiency and productivity.

And of course, greater productivity means an increased bottom line.

Less need for in-house IT staff

With hybrid cloud hardware owned and maintained by off-site vendors and third-parties, you will have less need for a large in-house IT team. When your cloud servers need upgrades or repairs, it will be the responsibility of the vendor, not your staff, saving you time and money.

With your IT staff able to focus on other aspects of your business rather than spending their time monitoring and maintaining IT hardware and software, your business initiatives and projects will be completed with greater efficiency.

Find the right hybrid cloud solution for your business

A hybrid cloud solution allows organizations to seamlessly blend cloud and on-premises technologies, while enabling cost and time savings.

The cloud specialists at Essential Tech can help find the right hybrid cloud solution for your business, as well as complete the full migration, and handle ongoing monitoring and maintenance of the cloud environment. Talk to them today and start saving.

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